IBF Athletes Committee

IBF Athlete Committee

Process for the election of the IBF Athletes Committee and its Chairman.

IBF Athlete committee

The committee will be established on a 4-year basis.

The committee shall be a gender-equal committee.

Any athlete (professional or amateur) that is a member of IBF Bowling federation can be a member of the IBF Athletes Committee.

Any retired athlete that was a member of an IBF Bowling Federation and that participated in an IBF Event (World Championships, AMF World Cup, Zone championships, Professional Bowling Tour) can be a member of the IBF Athletes Committee.

The committee shall be composed of a minimum of 8 members and a maximum of 10. The case of 10 should only be allowed to create a gender-equal committee.

American Zone 2 members. One female and one male
European Zone 2 members. One female and one male
Asian Zone 2 members. One female and one male
Oceania Zone 1 member
African Zone 1 member
Total 8 members
In the situation where both members selected from Oceania and Africa are of the same gender, two additional athletes from the opposite gender will be added to the committee. (These two athletes will be selected from the athlete committee nominees and will be the next two with the highest number of votes from the voting process) 2 members
Total 10 members

The chairman and vice chairman shall be selected within the 8 or 10 members that are part of the elected Athlete committee.

The Chairman of the IBF Athletes Committee is a member of the IBF Executive Committee in accordance with Article 6.1 (f) of the IBF Articles of Association.

The Committee meets as often as necessary and at least once a year.

The meeting may for any reason be met and held electronically or telephonically.

 Election Process

Any athlete that is a current or retired member of an IBF federation can nominate themselves to be part of the athlete’s committee. This potential member shall provide a brief statement of the nominee’s suitability for the position on the committee and the reason why he/she would like to be part of the committee. All of the Federations in good standings with IBF shall be officially notified with the due date and time for the athletes to nominate themselves to a position in the committee. (The athletes will have 30 days from the date of the official notification to provide the information requested)

An official announcement with the final nominees that will participate in the voting process shall be sent to the IBF federation and athletes. This announcement must include the date of official voting and any other requirements.

The voting process will be done electronically via website or email within 30 days of having all of the nominees finalized.

Two athletes from each federation (one male / one female) will vote in the representation of the athletes of his/her country.

After the committee is selected, an official member vote will take place to select the person (a member of the committee) for chair and the vice-chair. This voting process should have documented minutes and have an independent witness present. This voting shall be done within the first 30 days of the formation of the committee.

The committee and chair shall be ratified by the IBF Executive Committee.

An official announcement presenting the Athlete committee and its chairman should be complete and sent to athletes and federations. This announcement shall have the contact information of all of the members of the IBF Athlete Committee.